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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

NY Fed to be Subpoenaed for AIG Documents

Finally a move in the right direction. Of course this, too, will most likely will be just a small stunt unfortunately similar to the Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson hearings on how they threatened -illegally- Ken Lewis into taking over Henry Paulson's ex-Goldman buddy (who are we kidding who is ever"ex" goldman?? They all belong to the club lifelong as long as Goldman continues its shameful existence) John Thain and his very expensive trader for a few months (again ex-Goldman) Thomas Montag, both of whom got millions for a few months of running the company into ground. Still, it is a move in the right direction. Even if for a short term, these events coming into people's attention is a good thing for the longer term cleansing of the system from scum like this. Hopefully, SEC will soon be rid of the Goldman grip and will perform the function it is supposed to and go after Goldman and the justice department will go after Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and Timothy Geithner among others.

Here is the link.

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