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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bank ..."Earnings????" Are Horrible

One cannot even call what the banks report as earnings as there is no earnings. There are only losses. And horrible losses one should say. Citi, B of A Morgan to count a few are all horrible results. And this is despite all the BS and lying in their reports. The main BS is of course the "mark-to-market". For one, there is no market other than the Fed for these things and the fact that the fed pays full price for these does not mean they are worth anything. Even the Fed cannot buy the trillions of assets and hundreds of trillions of derivatives nominal exposure on the banks balance sheets. It surely can try as it almost did last couple years, but if it tried that for all the banks in the country, you would be buying bread in the black market with your gold coins and wiping your butt with the benjamins in the bathroom. Imagine that day when all those rap songs about the benjamins become irrelevant. What a day it will be.

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