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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If It Wasn't For Manipulation By Fed Gold - THE Ultimate Alternative Asset- Would Be Flying As Market Tanks

Gold should have been flying without the dirty hand of the Fed in the cookie jar - which they will eventually get caught for. Markets are tanking. Japan debt rating has been lowered by S&P. Earnings are terrible. Banks are still all insolvent. There is no buyer of MBS and a lot of other fixed income instruments other than the Fed which heavily monetizes debt and erodes the dollar. Fed goes as far to hide the fact that Treasury auctions are failing with "anonymous" direct bids amounting to more than 20% of the auctions every time. These are all reasons to be running to the safety and the ridiculously good longer term opportunity in gold once the manipulation of the Fed fails as things get out in the open and international central banks continue to take the other side of the Fed's manipulation trade. They will drop the dollar and the Fed will be focked in that scheme of theirs as they are no match for the collective powers of the international central banks - especially once they drop the dollar as the reserve currency or global trade currency. Get some physical gold before it is too late boys and girls.

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