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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Markets: Rigged or Plain Stupid

A day after ther horrendous Alcoa earnings and markets barely moving down close to 1%, they are up 0.70%. The whole market is either suffering from a severe case of Alzheimer's or people are just stupid especially if they are thinking it was an opportunity to buy because stocks are cheap or some other retarded thought like that. Those people should just go to Vegas lose all they have and jump from the Burj Dubai's top floor afterwards because they surely should not be managing your money. I have met a lot of those people who think they are so pragmatic and smart, but I have watched those people blow themselves up eventually once their luck ran out. I can not warn people enough. Get out of the stockmarket. The crash might not be imminent, but it is coming and it can come without any clear signals. Yes, the market is rigged and illegally supported, but even that can only do so much. Do you need to be reminded of March 2008 again? Get out before you experience that one more time. Even if it doesn't happen right away your risk reward of being long the market makes no sense. You're playing with fire and you will get burnt.

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