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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Federal Reserve Stock-Market Manipulation Yet Another Cause for Full Public Audit and Abolishment of Fed

Here is a great article from Zerohedge Blog on explaining some of the weird movement up in the market that I always talk about as I did yesterday pointing out that the 1.6% first day of year rally was complete BS. They point to how the "market recovery" of the last few months is completely manufactured and is a result of smoke and mirrors and continues to be supported in the same manner at its lofty levels. You should start shorting this market slowly. They could keep this up for a while, but a lot of people are waking up to all the illegal crap that goes on at this institution and some other private ones such as Goldman Sachs and it is only a matter of time until they will have to stop. I would start building a short portfolio slowly. Start with at least a 5% of your portfolio right now and keep adding according to economic data and market action. By market data I mean the real data and not crap that we are told that is completely wrong reported by the same corrupt people.

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