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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Fed Does Not Get "Fed Up" With Gold Manipulation

So I will not get tired of pointing it out. Check out the price chart for today so far. Out of nowhere, on no news, with dollar down, gold price drops 1137 to 1123 in a straight line (well 2 straight lines, one small and one big). This is beyond suspicious because it takes a lot of gold to drop the price that much that fast. Also, no profit concerned individual would sell gold that way as if trying to bring the price down without any regard for losses on that much gold (we are talking about tens of thousands of ounces of gold). For one, nobody really has that much gold, but a few very big institutions. That leaves us with our old horrendous friend, the Fed that continues to do the ugly. Here is the chart from Thankfully there is so much demand for gold from multiple sources that price just recovered as soon as those people saw the opportunity to gobble up gold. In your face Fed!!! :)

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