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Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year Pretend Rally

The first trading of 2010 saw markets go up by about 1.6% on no real news. The nature of the rally was even more questionable with low volume and a forced futures led move up. This is very similar to the rally that people saw and were not able to explain during the "recovery" months from the market bottom and which led Senator Bunning ask Ben Bernanke about in his questioning. If today's rally happened for a real reason such as takeover news, markets would have gapped to highs at the open instead of starting at lows and then being forced up. In a similar fashion the move up did not coincide with any major news, which again points to the fact that this rally looks more and more manufactured. The main reason for this would be to give the impression that now that last year is over people are not just going to just dump everything or short the bubble. This market is rallying on manipulation, pretences, false optimism, and lies. Surely, they can continue to raise the market a little more, but at these hefty levels, your risk reward does not justify to be long equities. I would recommend you get out of at least most of your equity holdings before the unavoidable crash comes.

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