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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let's Not Look Over the Jobless Claims Due To The Financials Announcement

Financials regulation was not the only horrendous news for the ridiculously bubbly stock markets today. There was also the jobless claims that came in way...wait for it.... way higher than expected. If that is not le..wait for it.... gendary, what is???? The new jobless claims came in at a horrendous 482,000 up from the 446,000 that the previous report lied, sorry, said it was. The reason given by the bureau was even more hilarious. They said that the reason the number was so high despite all their efforts to manipulate it down was because during the vacations all of the applications were not processed due to the laziness of the workers or the bureau trying to help the end of year rally. What kind of a joke is this???? They are better of just not commenting. Also, any "recovery" people were seeing in those horrendous numbers of the past weeks, really should reconsider it - if not for the fact that they were ridiculously bad anyways, for the fact that they are all going to come out with the revisions to the prior terms and higher reported numbers. There you go. Short the market or sell out of your retirement holdings before its too late and get yourself some gold. Physical gold. And tell the Fed to stop manipulating your future down.

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