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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Are Paulson, Bernanke, and Geithner Not In Jail?????

This is for anyone listening to the AIG hearings in congress.

2- GS ridiculousness
3- Ken Lewis, ex CEO of B of A, being threatened by the mentioned people
4- Illegal manipulation of gold, stock, and fixed income markets
5- Illegal bail-out of Bear Stearns
6- Forced takeover of Merill Lynch by Bank of America
7- Fed going beyond their powers
8- FDIC and Fed insuring or buying things beyond their athority
9- All the lies and hidden things
10- Closed door negotiations with Goldman (think Blankfein) over AIG scheme
11- Guarantees by Fed, FDIC, and treasury beyond their authority
12- Outright handing out of money by the same people to their friends at banks, mainly Goldman
13- Misinformation and misleading about the stress tests as well as the conditions of the condition of financial institutions among others
14- They just belong behind bars. These people are pure evil and disgusting and annoying.

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