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Friday, January 29, 2010

Bartiromo Needs To Get Rid Of The Glasses

Maria Bartiromo is surely one of the most annoying characters on TV. She is a person who thinks she is smarter, prettier, cooler, and more important than she is. The alleged adulterer (mile high club with an ex-Citi executive) is seen below with her pretentious glasses. Message to Bartiromo: You're no Audrey Hepburn sweetheart. Try losing 30 pounds and heavy plastic surgery. Although, even that won't be enough. She still would have to change her annoying character and should really just not open her mouth.

Also, we know you are in Davos, Maria. It is right there on the TV. You do not need to wear the glasses and your couple thousand dollar jacket indoors while interviewing guys in just suits or even just shirts. You are clearly indoors. You do not need to show off that you are on the Swiss Alps.

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