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Friday, February 5, 2010

Woodoo Economics: Unemployment Picture Continues To Get Uglier But Somehow Unemployment Rate Falls (hahahhahahaha) Yeah Sure. You Guys do Math At that Government Agency?????

Payrolls fell by 20,000 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics survey and despite the increase in the nominal number of unemployed people (we will talk about the laughable low manipulated number soon), the unemployment rate miraculously fell to 9.7%. So the numerator increases and the ratio of unemployed people to the workforce falls. hmmmm???? I took a little bit of math back in elementary school and some in grad school later on and that mathematically is impossible without the denominator rising heavily at the same time. That means the total labor force has to increase heavily without adding to the unemployed. We all know this did not happen. The BLS is practicing woodoo mathematics and woodoo economics.

It made me laugh to see some of the headlines on Yahoo Finance that said stock market futures were rising (which at this moment are down by the way) because of the improving unemployment picture. The people who wrote those either can't do math or they would have said the same thing even if 2 million people lost their jobs in the last month. Objective journalism at its best!!!! It is the kind of journalism people at CNBC do except for Rick Santelli, the one man who is not afraid or corrupt enough to call it as he sees it.

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