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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Desperate Moves By A Desperate Mad Bank

Federal Reserve is desperate and wants to attack gold at any cost. Gold is down around 30 bucks. Most of the fall came on unbelievable volume in about a minute (that is really funny) out of no news event. Funny funny. And do not think the euro is weak and that's why right around 9am today gold tank in a suspicious way because euro has been weak all day in Europe and Asia. The funny thing is the attack on gold came right when gold was making a move to the upside. Besides euro is down because of sovereign issues and fear of a euro break down because of sovereigns. Does not that mean a bull market for gold??? Of course it does. Gold is the true money and does not come with a sovereign risk. It is nobody's IOU. It is indestructible and been and will be money for thousands of years. Federal Reserve is exaggerating its manipulation and had we had a functioning justice or political system, it would have been busted by the Feds right around 9am today for blatant manipulation of what is supposed to be a free market. Here is the chart from


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