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Thursday, February 4, 2010

US Mortgage Rates To Rise Once Fed Buying Stops

Mortgage rates are bound to raise as the only buyer ends it program of buying mortgages and mortgage bonds as it is currently the market. No one else is buying mortgages. So once the Fed is done, it is unavoidable that the mortgage rates fly through the roof. That should put a damper on the positive expectations that home prices should go up. It's complacent enough for people to think that home prices would rise if not delusionary. At the best people could expect that home price declines would stop or slow down. Well you can forget about that happening. That, too, should continue putting a damper on the markets as the fact that banks are insolvent is going to come close to being apparent again and the Fed is running out of things to do without completely killing the dollar. These are great prospects for gold.

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