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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Cuomo Going to Go After Paulson, Bernanke, and Geithner When It Comes Out That They Are Financial Thugs?

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo -in his bid to be elected the governor of New York- needs more attention similar to that of Spitzer's in his heyday. So in this bid, he filed a civil fraud case against Ken Lewis. Ken Lewis is the ousted ex-CEO of Bank of America. He was ousted after he said that he was threatened by Paulson, Bernanke, and Geithner to finish the takeover of Merill Lynch at a 70% premium. I did not know that the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve were in the business of M&A enforcement and thuggism. Of course Merrill's CEO at that point was John Thain, a good buddy of Paulson from Goldman. It is no wonder that people like Marc Faber call Bernanke a criminal and people like Hussman question the legality of a lot of things these people do. 

My question is when Ken Lewis -who is a good target for Cuomo since he is an ex-CEO and as such lost a lot of political friends- says the same thing about Bernanke, Paulson, and Geithner, is he going to file civil fraud and blackmail suits against those thug-wannabes? My guess is of course not.... Cuomo unless he has a plan like that, showed us what he is made of.

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