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Friday, February 5, 2010

It Is Amazing How People Cannot Realize Banks Are All Insolvent

The easiest way to think about it is to think about the losses reported. So far $1.7 trillion of losses is the number spoken about the losses at the banks, which is a vast understatement, but even if we assume the number is correct when you compare that number to the total market cap of all the banks in question even before the crisis, you should be able to see how they are all bankrupt. How people do not see this is beyond me. Well, I guess, that's normal, people couldn't see the credit crisis or the fact that Fannie and Freddie were bankrupt, or even the fact that -not to be redundant- banks were bankrupt. After all a few of them went under, didn't they? And the big ones were saved by government guarantees and help. And Goldman and Morgan were saved last minute by the UK being forced to intervene midday by Paulson, Bernanke, and Geithnerafter Blankfein told Paulson that they were going down along with Morgan if they didn't do anything about it. Nothing has changed people. They are still bankrupt. Gold is your only hope. Buy the physical before it is too late. Fed manipulation is a gift. Don't miss the opportunity.

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