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Friday, February 5, 2010

Revision To Total Job Losses Is Revised Up To 8.4 Million From 7.2 Million (The Hidden Part Of The Report Unveiled)

The number that CNBC or any other mainstream media does not talk about is the revision the government made to the total number of people who lost jobs. The number was revised up from 7.2 million people to 8.4 million. This is a 1.2 million increase. That is huge. That is proof of the manipulation that the government does in trying to publish better than expected numbers to push the stock markets up for their cronies at the banks and also proof that the economy is in sewage. This is not the first time the government did this. This revision is on top of a similar revision they did in 2009 when they increased the same number by 930,000. That is 2,130,000 more job losses that was not reported before. Yet the market or mainstream media is not even talking about this. This is unbelievable. That number is a staggeringly bad number. The stock market is overvalued by more than 60%, I would get out of the stock market and buy gold. This economy or the data the government numbers are untrustworthy and outright lies.

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