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Monday, February 22, 2010

CLF - Cliffs Natural Resources

CLF has outperformed the markets as well as its sector and related companies such as X, AKS, RS, and MT to count a few. There is no real reason other than the high short interest which has been falling and the recent earnings announcement which was lackluster, but was not bad enough which resulted in a short squeeze. Now that is out of the way, it is time to short this stock again. Just in case markets rally due to complacency or some news about Greece, the better way of putting the trade on is through puts. I personally would start with the April 55s and add to the position or consider some other options depending on the stock action. You might lose money for a little while, but given this is a bubble go-go stock, odds are eventually you make money considering fundamentals are on your side and there are a lot of macro problems in the economy.

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