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Friday, December 4, 2009

Senator Bunning Grills The Creature's President Bernanke

The following is a must watch for everyone. Bernanke finally gets what he deserves in words. Instead of getting a second term at the office he should be getting a second life sentence in jail.

If anybody wonders what "The Creature" is, read Eddie Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island" that talks about how the Fed was created by a bunch of private bankers and how it serves its masters by creating boom-bust cycles or World Wars. It is a must read. The creation of money is in the hands of a bunch of private bankers and their friends in other industries. This is the ultimate power. This should be taken away from these people with the closure of the Fed as it is and given back to the people. The best way of doing that is a return back to the gold standard. That will prevent a lot of wars and corruption along with it.

Click here for the link to the Bunning grilling Bernanke video.

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