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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jim Rogers: "The only institution in the world that doesn't expect to be audited. They must have done something wrong, must have something to hide."

Jim Rogers is amazingly speaking words of wisdom saying that the Fed should be audited and then abolished supporting Ron Paul's suggestion. He gives examples from the past when 2 other US central banks due to their similar illegal activities of the current one have been abolished and the economy has done better after they disappeared. He says "We don't need the Fed. The Fed is making our lives miserable." He points to the obvious that they must have done something wrong and that they must have something to hide that they are insisting so hard not to be audited. He points to the very simple fact that nobody has a good explanation of how auditing and getting information is a wrong thing. He says he does not see how it would affect the independence at all. He reminds us of how central bankers have not done anything successful in real life that is the practical world of investments and finance and he does not understand why people all of a sudden think these people are smart. I could not agree more with Jim Rogers. Here is the link to the Aaron Task interview.

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