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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fed's Blatant Attack On Gold

The Federal Reserve's illegal crusade against real, legal money and honesty continues. Gold is real money and it is being looked at as a barometer for the dollar and validity of the Federal Reserve and its policies by some. This is why The Federal Reserve as has been proven by many time and time again -of course mainstream media tries to hide this fact from the people of this country- tries to manipulate gold price from showing that the dollar has been murdered by the Fed and banks like Goldman and JPM that rule it. Talking about the independence of Fed!!! It should be independent from those banks first of all rather than the people of this country and their choices and votes or democracy for that matter.

The good thing is the blatant nature of the attack of the last several days is so apparent and full of fear that you do realize it is one of the last that the Federal Reserve and the banks that rule it can muster. Soon enough all of this fail: banks will be known for what they are, insolvent, and Fed will have to be dissolved after it is shown that it is illegal or at least a lot of changes to its current structure will be made and hopefully will not be allowed to participate in illegal manipulations of gold and stock markets or bailing out of their friends at the expense of the people of this country.

Try they will to stop gold, but fail they will more successfully.

Have a nice day!

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