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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Comex Scam - Short GLD and Long Physical

The following is from a good blog. It is about the delivery difficulties of Comex which we have been hearing more and more about. This is the same Comex that has been saved from failing on deliveries by the Fed and a handful other central banks before the fact that Comex does not have enough gold to back all the short contracts and the fact that it is used in the scam to manipulate the gold price down by the Fed comes out. According to the article Comex is now trying to settle in cash or deliver shares of GLD instead of the physical. If you recall my earlier article about physical gold and GLD GLD is quite questionable itself and seem to be involved in the whole gold manipulation scam that Ron Paul's bill -if successful- should bring out. An obvious trade comes to find for investors who have the patience and pockets. It is to short GLD shares and buy physical gold. As the demand for physical becomes stronger and is joined by central banks around the world that are sick of the abuse of the US dollar by a small number of corrupt corporations and politicians, the scam will come out and it will be shown that GLD does not have the gold and that should tank the price of it to zero while physical gold will go through the roof as either the scam comes out about the overall manipulation scheme or about GLD as people who are holding GLD shares rush to buy gold as will other investors when they realize how dire the situation is.

GLD is supposed to be the 6th biggest holder of physical gold. Imagine the splash it will cause when the truth comes out.

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