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Friday, March 19, 2010

Gold Manipulation Friday By The Fed - Good Job Boys- Not Obvious At All, Shouldn't You Be Concentrating On Stephen Friedman Investigation More Than Manipulating Gold?????

The chart below is beyond ridiculous. If somebody tries to say it is because India raised rates, you can tell them India raised rates because inflation which is underreported is at a 16-month high. Besides India raising rates is dollar negative and shows that they will buy more gold and dump dollars. Gold being under attack is ridiculously criminal and the Fed needs to be stopped in this illegal activity they are in.

The Fed needs to be more concerned with not being a criminal institution. The issue has been raised by many in terms of both their "market" operations as well as their dealings with banks - especially Goldman and JPM- and going beyond their powers with non-recourse loans to JPM in "buying" Bear. It is about time this institution is at the least monitored strongly, its powers stripped and finally shut down.

The below Bloomberg article is about how Stephen Friedman, who is a Goldman person, while at the Fed bought GS stock right before the NY Fed under Geithner bailed out Goldman by gifting taxpayer money to them  while Americans were losing jobs left and right and struggling to make ends meet. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!!!!

Ron Paul for President!

Here is the Bloomberg article:


Bernanke Asked by Congress About Friedman’s Goldman Sachs Stake

By Hugh Son
March 19 (Bloomberg) -- A House committee requested that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke turn over documents related to Stephen Friedman’s purchase of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. shares while he was on the boards of both the Wall Street firm and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
“At a time when Mr. Friedman was prohibited from owning Goldman Sachs stock, he bought over a million dollars more of it without notifying the Federal Reserve,” said Representative Edolphus Towns, chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, in a statement today. “This raises serious questions about transparency, fairness and the appearance of a cozy relationship between Wall Street and the government.”
To contact the reporter on this story: Hugh Son in New York
Last Updated: March 19, 2010 09:40 EDT 


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