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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jacksonian Democracy and His Fight Against The Second Bank of United States

We need a new president similar to Jackson, a common virtuous strong man who is honest and does not bend in the face of personal gain or any other form of corruption. His love of sound money and hatred of paper money as well as the corrupt private central bank of the time (similar to current central bank operations) led by a greedy banker (similar to Goldman) named Nicholas Biddle. I highly recommend everyone to read more about Jackson and his fight against the private central much like the fight between the private Fed and Ron Paul. I highly hope for the sake of our children's future that Ron Paul wins this fight starting with more transparency into the Fed's operations showing how illegal a lot of the activities they are engaged in are and are meant to profit its owners, Wall Street banks. And that hopefully leads to the end of the freak of nature in what is supposed to be the land of the free.

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