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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gold Suppression on CNBC!!! How Unexpected!!!

Of course it is by the only respectable speaker on CNBC, Rick Santelli who does not fear yelling “the king has no clothes!” It is very refreshing to see someone smart and honest like Santelli on bubble-TV considering the others include the likes of the corrupt bubble-maniac trend-monkey Jim Cramer, pretend economist with no real economic background (similar to the current treasury secretary) Steve Liesman, the alleged adulterer Maria Bartiromo, and the not-a-sign-of-brilliance defendant of the establishment Larry Kudlow.

On November 23rd, Santelli mentioned how the current economic-advisor to Obama had a paper on how gold price should be manipulated –remind you that is illegal and against the nature of free-markets and democracy.

Here is the link to the talk. It starts at around 7:30 mark in the 10 minute piece.

Here is a link to the same topic at GATA.

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