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Friday, August 13, 2010


He puts all these stupid bubbleheads on CNBC in their places.Let's hope he doesn't get let go from CNBC because of that. The best from today was when he answered the bubblehead whose name I don't even care to remember- said that the Fed made money on its mortgage bonds. Rick Santelli countered with the example of buying every single Pontiac Aztec ever made and marking it to model at outrageous prices. Of course you can show a profit he said. Then he asked what happens to the prices when you try to sell one... He tied that to the Fed's holding of mortgage bonds and how they were guaranteed by the Treasury and if it was not for the treasury making them whole, they would be losing a lot of money - not to mention if they were not marked to model, but let to freely trade.

The talk was similar of the questionable Bernanke claiming they were making money on those until a senator reminded him of how the treasury was making them whole and which is why they were not losing billions on it.

Bernanke and those bubbleheads are either living in a different universe or are outright lying. I think I've seen Bernanke in DC, so he must be living somewhere on earth....

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