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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goldman Is Finally Getting Recognition For What A Fraud It Is

For all those doubters and people who did not believe Goldman was a fraud and said that they were just so smart, the recent news showed how "smart" they are. They are smart in a corrupt way. This has to go somewhere one would hope, but given their corrupt people are everywhere and they corruptly spend our, taxpayers', money on their corruption we know they will try to spend it again to get out of this in a corrupt way. They will try to blame the stupid little peon, the fabulous fab, to jail saying he is the one behind the corruption and try to get out of it. Everybody knows a VP decides on nothing and a 15-20 million dollar deal goes through the MDs if not through the higher up people. Considering John Paulson was involved, we can safely assumed a lot of high level Goldman people were involved. We'll see if that comes out.

Goldman needs to be shut down as it is both corrupt and insolvent.

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